He Loves Me (Not) Card #7 (Plus an Inspirational Quote)

Last night, there was a passage from a song from one of my favorite musicals that was stuck in my head for so long that I decided to waste my wind-down time in bed trying to figure out why it just wouldn’t go away. After some pondering and self-reflection (like last night’s card advised meContinue reading “He Loves Me (Not) Card #7 (Plus an Inspirational Quote)”

Quick Read 4/3/22

I wasn’t planning on doing a reading today (although technically, I didn’t), but Kate from Daily Tarot Girl was having a livestreaming Spring Tarot Party, which I wasn’t going to join, just because I’m not a big partier of any type. But still, it’s tarot, and it’s Kate, and she was doing free single-card readings,Continue reading “Quick Read 4/3/22”

The Quick Trigger Spread

I’ve had a rough several days, going into a deep depression that I haven’t felt in over a year. It’s mainly personal issues, but what didn’t help is when my supervisor called me into her office on Thursday saying I wasn’t doing enough as a student. She wasn’t being mean or even authoritative about itContinue reading “The Quick Trigger Spread”

Dearly Departed “Circle”

I’ll try to keep this reading brief, but who am I kidding? There are 12 cards here, which is the most amount of tarot cards I’ve ever had in a reading, and I write novels whenever I post. As I’ve mentioned before, I lost my brother to suicide last October. I’ll skip the sad detailsContinue reading “Dearly Departed “Circle””

0. The Fool(s)

Kate from Daily Tarot Girl does this neat thing where she goes over every card in the traditional tarot deck in order, so naturally, The Fool is first in the deck, but 0th in chronological order. Here’s her blog post about this particular card, in case you want her more in-depth definition. Also attached isContinue reading “0. The Fool(s)”

Relationship Spread

I decided to do an impromptu spread regarding my relationship with my guy friend. Quick update: we’ve started talking again, just as I’d promised. The cards told me I was ready, and it was gradual, but we are trying to get back to a state of normalcy. I won’t bore you with the juicy details,Continue reading “Relationship Spread”

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