Quick Read 4/3/22

I wasn’t planning on doing a reading today (although technically, I didn’t), but Kate from Daily Tarot Girl was having a livestreaming Spring Tarot Party, which I wasn’t going to join, just because I’m not a big partier of any type. But still, it’s tarot, and it’s Kate, and she was doing free single-card readings, so I popped by, and I’m glad I did.

I’d asked a few questions, but the first couple didn’t take (I get it though, she has a lot of requests and has to pick and choose on the spot). I then asked about how I can manage focusing on studying for exams when the very devices, which house my study material, are constant distractions. (I made a joke about how I wasn’t even asking the Cards, just needed advice lol.) If I were someone else giving myself this advice, I would just suggest turning off notifications and all that fun stuff.

Kate went a little deeper than that, especially after picking out this card for me. I was drawn to the card, especially since she was using “The Light Seer’s Tarot” by Chris-Anne, which you know I have. The card I got was colorful, and depicted a young woman sitting with all this stuff on her desk. Half is of study materials and the other half is on Wiccan stuff and her focus is on the fun, witchy items. There’s also the pentacles above her desk, but they’re shaded in as if resembling moon phases. HOW WAS THIS CARD SO PERFECT FOR ME??? Based on my own interpretation, I feel like those moon phases represent time passing me by the longer I pay attention to the LEAST productive materials on my desk. This girl is holding up a colored candle, but there’s a separate candle on the boring side, but of a different design, which I see as a typical candle that’s actually good use for illuminating the darkness (AKA the actual purpose of a candle). Even without Kate’s interpretation, this card IS my current situation.

If you click on the image above and go to the time stamp I write down at the top of the page, you’ll see my portion of the reading. What I wrote down is the gist of everything she said. It was so useful for me, so I’m going to keep this card on my desk where you see it now to remind myself that I still have work to do. The stuff on the right may not be “sexy” or interesting, but it’s work I need put some effort into if I want to succeed in my personal goals of becoming independent.

In addition, I asked about whether or not it was the right choice to leave my toxic friend, and while Kate didn’t choose my specific question (I’d kinda had my turn at that point, so I didn’t expect her to pick me again), another viewer had a similar situation (1:21:33), but a little more pressing: her baby daddy had apparently left her several months ago, she was trying to heal from that and move forward. That wasn’t my direct question, but I gradually realized that this was the answer I needed.

The Card this person got was the Eight of Cups (funny how my card was also an Eight). This card shows a person walking away from something, which was established to be the client. She was moving away from it, going on a journey to healing, but the horizon she is walking toward is the sun, so that’s a positive goal on the card. The fact that it is the suit of Cups means it’s about her feelings and depth of emotions, that whatever relationship is next for her, she’s seeking something deeper than the superficial pleasures, so to speak.

“You’re on a journey to healing, and how you walk on this journey will determine where you end up.” Man, is that good advice, and a nice way to put it! Again, this is all Kate’s interpretation, and she says that the Card tells the client that part of the journey is not focusing immediately on the next relationship, but focusing on herself and her family. Essentially, be in a relationship with yourself and practice self-care and being kind to yourself. When you are satisfied, that’s when you’re ready to open up to a fresh relationship.

So I feel like this applied to my situation as well. In relation to the question I actually asked, it’s telling me that I actually did make the right choice in stepping away from my toxic friend and don’t need the constant validation anymore. It came from multiple decks of cards, it came from my own interpretations, and hearing it come from a professional tarot reader, despite it being for someone else, it was all a sign that if I go back, it’ll be a giant step behind my own journey to healing.

I don’t know who my Higher Power is, but I seriously needed that today and it’s even more appreciated that I didn’t actively go out to seek it. I’d forgotten that Kate was livestreaming today, and just happened to be on YouTube when the notification came. (Ok, that fact that I had notifications on for her posts probably played a hand lol.)

It’s still so eery how perfectly my card showed up. Like, this was all completely seemingly random, especially in my own experience in reading for myself. Mind. Blown.

Published by Rowena🌹Whispers

I have writer's blog.

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