
I started this new job the day after Valentine’s Day, and already, I’m setting myself up for a promotion. After several months of just being Associate-level, for some reason, I got some kind of kick in the ass and had the urgency to do more. I didn’t know why until the interim Supervisor position openedContinue reading “Promotion”

6/24/22: He Loves Me (Not) Card #8

Well, it’s Friday, and, if I remember correctly, the final day to make this decision: should I continue my relationship with the guy who’s supposed to be my best friend, but with whom I have no romantic chance…or let go and finally move on with my future? I’m aware that fully letting go will beContinue reading “6/24/22: He Loves Me (Not) Card #8”

He Loves Me (Not) Card #7 (Plus an Inspirational Quote)

Last night, there was a passage from a song from one of my favorite musicals that was stuck in my head for so long that I decided to waste my wind-down time in bed trying to figure out why it just wouldn’t go away. After some pondering and self-reflection (like last night’s card advised meContinue reading “He Loves Me (Not) Card #7 (Plus an Inspirational Quote)”

6/22/22: He Loves Me (Not) Card #6

Today was a lazy tarot day (mainly because I’d forgotten till now). Since I’ve already settled into bed and was just playing around on my phone anyway, I used the Modern Mystic tarot app. Today’s card was “Judgement”, and luckily, I’d already typed out the each meaning from this deck, so a simple copy andContinue reading “6/22/22: He Loves Me (Not) Card #6”

6/21/22: He Loves Me (Not) Cards #4 and #5 (Plus Bonus Fortune!)

If you guys have seen this show, chances are, you recognize this framed peephole. To say I love F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (or rather used to love it) is an understatement. I used to watch the DVDs back-to-back, in, like, middle school, which meant I was watching the extended episodes. For today’s card regarding where I go fromContinue reading “6/21/22: He Loves Me (Not) Cards #4 and #5 (Plus Bonus Fortune!)”

6/20/22: He Loves Me (Not) Cards #2 and #3

For today’s reading regarding my issues with this friend, I decided to do a Yes/No variation. I used the Modern Witch tarot deck by Lisa Sterle, because I had the urge to do a reading with it again after one of Daily Tarot Girl Kate’s most recent weekly videos. In the “Yes” column, this isContinue reading “6/20/22: He Loves Me (Not) Cards #2 and #3”


I’ve had a pretty rough week despite it being my birthday week. Monday, which was my birthday, was the worst of it for personal anxiety reasons, which are in the past. Friday was the worst in terms of it just being a bad day all around. I was stationed at the hospital and since examsContinue reading “5/22/22”

Quick Read 4/3/22

I wasn’t planning on doing a reading today (although technically, I didn’t), but Kate from Daily Tarot Girl was having a livestreaming Spring Tarot Party, which I wasn’t going to join, just because I’m not a big partier of any type. But still, it’s tarot, and it’s Kate, and she was doing free single-card readings,Continue reading “Quick Read 4/3/22”

Quick Read 3/31/22

Happy April Ludgate Day! Yes, March 31st is an actual date, and fun fact, April actress Aubrey Plaza is a fellow tarot-head! Apparently, when she made a guest appearance on Nick Offerman’s podcast with his wife, Megan Mullally, she did a tarot reading on them. I really feel like Aubrey is my spirit animal, especiallyContinue reading “Quick Read 3/31/22”

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