Quick Read 3/31/22

Happy April Ludgate Day! Yes, March 31st is an actual date, and fun fact, April actress Aubrey Plaza is a fellow tarot-head! Apparently, when she made a guest appearance on Nick Offerman’s podcast with his wife, Megan Mullally, she did a tarot reading on them. I really feel like Aubrey is my spirit animal, especially after seeing her do some ASMR for W Magazine and she knew exactly what works and what doesn’t when it comes to producing good, tingle-inducing sounds. That just makes me vibe with April even more.

Anyhoo, the cards I got today were a little shocking, considering tarot is seemingly random, especially on technology. It turns out I got two cards in the same physical reading: the Five of Wands and King of Cups, two of which I saw in my Before Bed reading on the 27th.

Five of Wands represents the “Fight” option of “Fight or Flight”. To me, it’s about survival and instinct. The way it pertains to my situation, I feel like at this point at work, I’m in survival mode, trying to obtain as much experience and info as I can before I have to leave the facility as a student (and hopefully join as an employee). I’m not desperate, but it’s an urgent need to absorb everyone’s advice in allowing me to succeed (which means avoiding the one person who doesn’t even bother teaching me anything).

Thankfully, there IS someone who’s more than happy to give me the experience I need to succeed. She knows what I need and is willing to give me what she can, and it’s not just her. Literally everyone else wants me to pass my boards by asking me pop questions when opportunity arises and letting me scan patients on my own (with their supervision, of course). This supports the King of Cups and what he advises me to do: pursue learning from people who are as eager to teach me what I need to know in order to join their team once I graduate and pass the board exams.

Published by Rowena🌹Whispers

I have writer's blog.

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